< Master index Index for .\src >

Index for .\src

Matlab files in this directory:

 Contents- automatically generated list of SOS m-files
 NaNArray- helper function to generate an empty array
 calculateOverlap_Dialog- calculate overlap dialog
 create2samplettest_Dialog- create 2-sample t-test dialog
 createHardBoundConstraint_Dialog- create hard bound constraint dialog
 createMatchCorrelztest_Dialog- create correlation-matching z-test dialog
 createMatchUniformkstest_Dialog- create uniformity ks-test dialog
 createPlots_Dialog- create sosplots dialog
 createPop_Dialog- create population dialog
 createSOS_dialog- create SOS optimizer dialog
 createSample_Dialog- create sample dialog
 createSingleSampleSoftDistanceConstraint_Dialog- create single sample soft distance constraint dialog
 createSoftEntropyConstraint_Dialog- create soft entropy constraint dialog
 createSoftMatchCorrelDistanceConstraint_Dialog- create soft match correlation constraint dialog
 createSoftMetaConstraint_Dialog- create soft meta-constraint dialog
 createTwoSampleSoftDistanceConstraint_Dialog- create two sample soft distance constraint dialog
 createsinglesamplettest_Dialog- create single sample t-test dialog
 dataFrame- dataframe object
 expAnneal- exponentially-decaying temperature annealing object
 expAnneal_Dialog- create expAnneal dialog
 genericAnneal- abstract interface for annealing objects
 genericConstraint- parent class for constraints
 genericFeederCandidateSelection- parent class for replacement selection objects
 genericPopulationCandidateSelection- parent class for replacement item selection
 genericSampleCandidateSelection- generic method for sample selection objects
 genericStatTest- parent class for statistical test objects
 genericpSwapFunction- parent class for swap probability objects
 getPopupMenuName- retrieves the popup menu name in the GUI
 getdfName- extracts a dataframe name selected in the GUI
 greedyAnneal- greedy annealing (i.e., T = 0) object
 hardBoundConstraint- hard bound constraint object
 hardConstraint- parent class for hard constraints
 initVerbosePrint- initializes the flags which control the verbosity of output
 logisticpSwapFunction- swap function based on the logistic curve
 maxpDecrease_Dialogdialog used for calculating the largest p-decrease value
 nullArray- helper function to generate a null array
 numSteps_Dialogdialog used to calculate the nubmer of temperature-lowering steps
 openDoors- tries to open the pod bay doors
 plt- plt package by Paul Mennen
 population- population object
 randPopulationAndSampleCandidateSelection- random population and sample selection method for swaps
 randPopulationCandidateSelection- random population selection method for selecting swaps
 randSampleCandidateSelection- random sample method for selecting swaps
 sample- sample object
 saveHistory_Dialog- dialog used to save the optimization history
 seconds2human- human readable time output
 setBufferedHistoryOutfile_Dialog- dialog for setting output file for buffered history output
 setSeed- function for setting the seed for the random number generator
 setSeed_Dialog- dialog for setting the random seed
 setVerbosePrintVerbosity- function for setting the verbosity of the SOS software cmd line output
 setVerbosity- function for setting the verbosity for specific types of output
 softConstraint- parent class for soft constraints
 softDistanceConstraint- parent class for soft distance constraints
 softEntropyConstraint- soft entropy constraint object
 softMatchCorrelConstraint- soft correlation matching constraint object
 softMetaConstraint- parent class for soft meta-constraints
 sos- SOS optimization object
 sosCorrelTest- test for equivalence of two correlations
 sosHistory- object for storing the detailed history of an optimization
 sosPlots- object used to create detailed plots of SOS optimization
 sos_gui- sos main GUI
 soskstest- object for testing normality using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
 sosttest- object for creating t-tests
 validFileName- helper function to validate that a string represents a valid file name
 validFileNameOrNull- helper function to validate that a string represents a valid file name or null
 validLogical- helper function to validate that a string represents a logical operator
 validString- helper function to validate that a variable represents a valid string
 validStringOrNull- helper function to validate that a string represents a valid string or null
 validateCorrel- helper function to validate that a string represents a correlation
 validatePositiveInteger- helper function to validate that a string represents a positive integer
 validateProbability- helper function to validate that a string represents a probability
 validateRealNumber- helper function to validate that a string represents a real number
 verbosePrint- master print function that regulates cmd line output based on verbosity flags

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