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- exponentially-decaying temperature annealing object


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 - exponentially-decaying temperature annealing object

 copyright 2009-2012 Blair Armstrong, Christine Watson, David Plaut

    This file is part of SOS

    SOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it for academic and non-commercial purposes
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.  For commercial or for-profit
    uses, please contact the authors (sos@cnbc.cmu.edu).

    SOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % - exponentially-decaying temperature annealing object
0002 %
0003 % copyright 2009-2012 Blair Armstrong, Christine Watson, David Plaut
0004 %
0005 %    This file is part of SOS
0006 %
0007 %    SOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008 %    it for academic and non-commercial purposes
0009 %    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0010 %    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0011 %    (at your option) any later version.  For commercial or for-profit
0012 %    uses, please contact the authors (sos@cnbc.cmu.edu).
0013 %
0014 %    SOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0015 %    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0017 %    GNU General Public License for more details.
0019 %    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0020 %    along with SOS (see COPYING.txt).
0021 %    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0025 classdef expAnneal < genericAnneal
0026     %% Provides support for exponentially decaying temperature annealing
0027     %
0028     %  Provides support for an exponential anneal function governed by the
0029     %  following equation:
0030     %
0031     %       temp = N*e^(-lambda*curStep);
0032     %
0033     % The Schedule operates as follows:
0034     %   {blockSize} iterations are run with temperature set to Inf (the -1
0035     %   value of curStep, which reflects the current temperature step).
0036     %   provides an initial sample of the types of cost values encountered
0037     %   when making purely random switches.  From this sample, the maximum
0038     %   delta cost in the block is calculated by subtracting the biggest
0039     %   cost from the smallest and multiplying this value by 10.  The x10
0040     %   multiple is applied because in the context of the logicstic
0041     %   function, a temperature 10x greater than deltaCost provides a good
0042     %   approximation of random behavior.
0043     %
0044     %   Next, to fit the lambda term in the equation
0045     %   the user must express how large of a decrease in this initial temp
0046     %    is desired on the next step, as a probability.  For slower annealing, the
0047     %   decrease in temperature should be small, and values should be close
0048     %   to 1to 0.  For faster descent, values closer to 1 should be used.
0049     %
0050     %   Once the values for the variable in the formula have been derived,
0051     %   the curStep is set to '0' and the initial temperature is calculated
0052     %   using the formula (in this case = N).  Thus, the '0' step should
0053     %   also basically yield random.
0054     %
0055     %   Subsequent changes in temperature occur when the state of the
0056     %   optimizer is said to have reached thermal equilibrium and a new
0057     %   temperature step begins.  This
0058     %   approximated in the algorithm as when the previous two 'blocks' of
0059     %   cost values are non-significantly different from one another
0060     %   according to an independent samples t-test.  The value of this
0061     %   t-test can be adjusted to make it easier or harder to reject the
0062     %   null hypothesis.  In the present case, thermal equilibrium is
0063     %   reached when we fail to reject the null hypothesis, and thus one
0064     %   could also make a Type-II error and incorrectly fail to reject a
0065     %   false null hypothesis.  This can be avoided by using p-values
0066     %   closer to 1.  It doesn't take that much to cause a p-value to
0067     %   exceed even the standard cutoff of 0.05 though if blockSizse
0068     %   becomes large (e.g., 1000), so keep that in mind, otherwise thermal
0069     %   equilibrium may never be reached
0070     %
0071     %   It is worth noting, however, that this measurement of
0072     %   thermal equilibrium is merely intended to serve as a quick and
0073     %   readily-interpretable approximation thereof.  A failure to reject
0074     %   the null hypothesis does not stricly == confirmation of the null
0075     %   hypothesis, and there are no explicit checks of the t-test
0076     %   assumptions to have a strong basis for believing that the exact
0077     %   p-value set is the true p-value for a given data set.  Again
0078     %   though, for present purposes this approximation has proven to
0079     %   adequately satisfy its intended purpose.
0080     %
0081     %
0082     % PROPERTIES:
0083     %     blockSize % size of the block of cost values used to determine initial max Delta cost and assess thermal equilibrium
0084     %     pval % p-value for the test of equality of cost; p-values greater than this are indicative of thermal equilibrium.
0085     %     N  %  N from exponential decay equation
0086     %     lambda % lambda from exponental decay equation
0087     %     curStep % current temperatuer step
0088     %     pDecrease % proportion decrease in temperature on next step.
0089     %     tempLog  % log of all temperature values produced by the algorithm, and the iteration they were set at
0090     %     prevBlock % history of cost values from previous block
0091     %     curBlock % history of cost values from current block
0092     %     startDeltaCost % history of delta cost values from the first block for equation calibration.
0093     %
0094     %METHODS:
0095     %   expAnneal(varargin) - CONSTRUCTOR
0096     %   temp = getTemp(obj)  - Returns current temperature
0097     %   anneal(obj,curIt,cost,deltaCost) - anneal current temperature using the exponentially decay annealing schedule.
0098     %
0099     %METHODS (Static)
0100     %   numSteps(initDeltaCost, finalDeltaCost, pDecrease) % calculates the number of steps that would be necessary to go from initDeltaCost to finaldeltaCost
0101     %   maxpDecrease(initDeltaCost, finalDeltaCost,nStep) % calculates the maxDecrease that would be necessary to go from initDeltaCost to finaldeltaCost using at least 3 drops in temperature.
0103     %% PROPERTIES
0104     properties
0105         blockSize % size of the block of cost values used to determine initial max Delta cost and assess thermal equilibrium
0106         pval % p-value for the test of equality of cost; p-values greater than this are indicative of thermal equilibrium.
0107         N  %  N from exponential decay equation
0108         lambda % lambda from exponental decay equation
0109         curStep % current temperature step
0110         pDecrease % proportion decrease in temperature on next step.
0111         tempLog  % log of all temperature values produced by the algorithm, and the iteration they were set at
0112         prevBlock % history of cost values from previous block
0113         curBlock % history of cost values from current block
0114         startDeltaCost % history of delta cost values from the first block for equation calibration.
0115         overrideInitDeltaCost % user-specified override for the calculated initDeltaCost value.
0116     end
0119     methods
0120         %% expAnneal CONSTRUCTOR
0121         function obj = expAnneal(varargin)
0122             % creates and initializes an expAnneal object
0123             %
0124             %PARAMETERS:
0125             %Optional:
0126             %   'blockSize'/integer - size of blocks to use when estimating the initial temperature and thermal equilibrium. Default: 1000
0127             %   'pVal'/numeric - p-value to use when testing for thermal equilibrium. Default = 0.05
0128             %   'pDecrease'/numeric - % decrease in previous temperature when temperature is decreased
0129             %   'schedule'/'exp' - name of annealing schedule
0131             verbosePrint('Creating exponential decay temperature annealing function...',...
0132                 'expAnneal_constructor_startObjCreation');
0134             p = expAnneal.parseConstructorArgs(varargin);
0136             % potentially altered by user input
0137             obj.blockSize = p.Results.blockSize; % must be >=2
0138             obj.pval = p.Results.pval;
0139             obj.pDecrease = p.Results.pDecrease;
0142             if(any(strcmp(p.UsingDefaults,'overrideInitDeltaCost')))
0143                 obj.overrideInitDeltaCost = NaN;
0144             else
0145                 obj.overrideInitDeltaCost = p.Results.overrideInitDeltaCost;
0146             end
0149             % variables for expDecay equation
0150             obj.curStep = -1;                   
0151             obj.N = NaN;
0152             obj.lambda = NaN;
0154             obj.tempLog = [];            
0155             obj.temp = Inf;    
0156             obj.tempLog = [obj.temp 0];
0158             obj.curBlock = nan(obj.blockSize,1);
0159             obj.startDeltaCost = nan(obj.blockSize,1);
0160         end
0162         %% temp = getTemp()  METHOD
0163         function temp = getTemp(obj)
0164             %Returns current temperature
0165             temp = obj.temp;
0166         end
0168         %% anneal(obj,sosIt,cost) METHOD
0169         function anneal(obj,curIt,cost,deltaCost)
0170             %anneal current temperature using the exponentially decay annealing schedule.
0171             %
0172             % PARAMETERS:
0173             %   curIt - current iteration in sosObj
0174             %   cost - cost value produced during optimization
0175             %   deltaCost - deltaCost value during optimization
0177             if(mod(curIt,obj.blockSize)) == 0
0178                 curIndex = obj.blockSize;
0179             else
0180                 curIndex = mod(curIt,obj.blockSize);
0181             end
0183             obj.curBlock(curIndex) = cost;
0186             if(curIt <= obj.blockSize)
0187                 obj.startDeltaCost(curIt) = deltaCost;
0188             end
0190             % if < 1 stepSize of iterations have been run, temp = inf to
0191             % derive an initial estimation of typical cost values.  After
0192             % this block, we can fit the decay equation
0193             if(mod(curIt,obj.blockSize) == 0 && (curIt)/obj.blockSize == 1 )
0195                 % The safest thing to do is to always use the largest
0196                 % possible difference (maxCost - minCost in the set) as the
0197                 % largest possible delta cost.  However, this  makes it
0198                 % harder to reliably replicate a given run because the
0199                 % initial calibration can be influenced by those two data
0200                 % points alone.  So instead, use the 90th-10th percentile
0201                 % as the basis for calibrating the annealing equation.
0203                 percentiles = [2.5 97.5];
0204                 scores = prctile(obj.startDeltaCost, percentiles);
0206                 DeltaCost95 = scores(2) - scores(1);
0208               %apply override if it has been specified;
0210                if isnan(obj.overrideInitDeltaCost) == 0
0211                    DeltaCost95 = obj.overrideInitDeltaCost;
0213                    verbosePrint('Applying user-specified override to initDeltaCost', ...
0214                     'expAnneal_anneal_calibration');
0215                end
0217                 % fit the decay function.
0218                 % for the logistic funciton, if temp is 10x greater than
0219                 % the largest cost, even the  minCost
0220                 % would only have a 0.0525 chance of eliciting a swap.
0224                 obj.N = DeltaCost95; 
0226                 step1Cost = (1-obj.pDecrease)*obj.N;
0227                 obj.lambda = -1*log((step1Cost/obj.N))/1;
0229                 obj.curStep = 0;
0231                 obj.temp = obj.N*exp(-obj.lambda*obj.curStep); 
0232                 obj.tempLog = [obj.tempLog ; obj.temp curIt];
0234                 obj.prevBlock = obj.curBlock;
0235                 obj.curBlock = nan(obj.blockSize,1);
0238                 verbosePrint([sprintf('%i) ', curIt), ...
0239                     'Annealing Equation calibrated, changing temperature from ', ...
0240                     num2str(obj.tempLog(length(obj.tempLog)-1),1), ...
0241                     ' to ', num2str(obj.temp)], ...
0242                     'expAnneal_anneal_calibration');
0244             % otherwise, if a new block has been completed, see if thermal
0245             % thermal equilibrium has been reached, i.e., cost is no longer
0246             % descending
0247             elseif (mod(curIt,obj.blockSize) == 0 && (curIt)/obj.blockSize > 1 )
0249                 [H,p] = ttest2(obj.prevBlock,obj.curBlock,obj.pval,'both',...
0250                             'unequal'); 
0252                 verbosePrint([sprintf('%i) ', curIt), ...
0253                     'p(thermEquil): ', num2str(p), ...
0254                     '  prevBlock m = ', num2str(mean(obj.prevBlock)), ...
0255                     ' (se = ', num2str(std(obj.prevBlock)/length(obj.prevBlock)), ...
0256                     ') curBlock m = ', num2str(mean(obj.curBlock)), ...
0257                     ' (se = ', num2str(std(obj.curBlock)/length(obj.curBlock)), ...
0258                     ')'], ...
0259                                 'expAnneal_anneal_pthermalEquil');
0261                 %we've reached our operational definition of thermal
0262                 %equilibrium if H == 0
0263                 if H == 0 
0264                     obj.curStep = obj.curStep + 1;                                  
0265                     obj.temp = obj.N*exp(-obj.lambda*obj.curStep);
0266                     obj.tempLog = [obj.tempLog ; obj.temp curIt];
0268                     verbosePrint([sprintf('%i) ', curIt), ...'
0269                         'Thermal Equilibrium Reached - Dropping temperature from ', ...
0270                         num2str(obj.tempLog(length(obj.tempLog)-1,1)), ...
0271                         ' to ', num2str(obj.temp)], ...
0272                         'expAnneal_anneal_dropTemp');                   
0273                 end
0275                 obj.prevBlock = obj.curBlock;
0276                 obj.curBlock = nan(obj.blockSize,1);
0278             end
0279         end % anneal
0280     end
0283     methods (Static) 
0285         %% p = expAnnealInputParser()
0286         function p = expAnnealInputParser()
0287             % creates an input parser for the constructor args
0288             %
0289             %PARAMETERS:
0290             %   see constructor args
0292             p = inputParser;
0294             p.addParamValue('blockSize',1000, ...
0295                 @(blockSize)validateattributes(blockSize, {'numeric'}, ...
0296                 {'scalar', 'integer', 'positive', '>', 1}));
0297             p.addParamValue('pval',0.05, ...
0298                 @(pval)validateattributes(pval, {'numeric'}, ...
0299                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0, '<',1}));
0300             p.addParamValue('pDecrease',0.5,...
0301             @(pDecrease)validateattributes(pDecrease, {'numeric'}, ...
0302                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0, '<',1}));
0303             p.addParamValue('schedule','exp', ...
0304                 @(schedule)strcmp(schedule,'exp'));  
0305             %override value should be overriden later to set it to Nan
0306             p.addParamValue('overrideInitDeltaCost',0,...
0307                         @(overrideInitDeltaCost)validateattributes(overrideInitDeltaCost, {'numeric'}, ...
0308                 {'scalar'})); 
0310         end
0313         %% numSteps(initDeltaCost, finalDeltaCost, pDecrease) STATIC FUNCTION
0314         function numSteps(initDeltaCost, finalDeltaCost, pDecrease)
0315             % calculates the number of steps that would be necessary to go
0316             % from initDeltaCost to finaldeltaCost, given a particular
0317             % pDecrease.
0318             %
0319             % The intended use of this function is to help determine the
0320             % value of pDecrease.  To do so, a couple of steps are
0321             % invovled.  First, run sos with an exponential anneal function
0322             % for expAnneal.blockSize iterations.  During this first block,
0323             % temperature is set to infinitie, so cost values are changed
0324             % randomly. Once blockSize iteractions have been completed,
0325             % run <sosObj>.deltaCostPercentiles to see the  deltaCost value
0326             % for the 97.5th - 2.5th percentile, which is the deltaCost
0327             % value used by the exponential anneal object during it's
0328             % calibration of the initial temperature value.  The next step
0329             % is determining the finalDeltaCost value.  To determine that
0330             % value, run SOS again, this time in greedy mode, and examine
0331             % the distribution of deltaCosts once the algorithm reaches a
0332             % frozen state.  For the stochastic annealing to find a better
0333             % solution than what was found by the exponential annealer, it
0334             % must approach that frozen state slowly.  For the frozen state
0335             % to have been reached, by definition no swaps occured and
0336             % therefore all delta costs should have an upper bound of zero.
0337             %  For a very slow anneal, you could try to reach the point at
0338             %  which a large number of swaps would have occured quite slowly,
0339             % which corresponds to the delta cost from a high decile like 90%).
0340             % This could take a while though. Alternatively, you could try
0341             % to reach a lower decile instead (e.g., 10%).  A good
0342             % compromise might be to aim for the 50th percentile so that
0343             % you approach that point more slowly.  So to sum up to this
0344             % point, input the initdeltaCost for the 97.5th to the 2.5th
0345             % percentile from the first block in an
0346             % exponential anneal optimization and the finalDeltaCost from
0347             % a perceintile of your choice as the from the percentiles
0348             % listed when a greedy anneal was run to a frozen state.
0349             %
0350             % Now, you have to decide what the pDecrease value will be.  It
0351             % must be bounded between 0-1, and it should lead to at least 3
0352             % steps for the exponential anneal to really be effective at
0353             % gradually lowering temperature.  of course, more steps than 3
0354             % will result in even slower and potentially better annealing.
0355             % (1 step at inf, 1 intermediate step, and 1 step at a
0356             % temperature low enough to cause freezing in a greedy anneal).
0357             % Try a few different values to see how they would correspond
0358             % to this constraint and the amount of time you're willing to
0359             % wait while the algorithm runs.  Lowever values should lead to
0360             % more steps, whereas higher value will lead to fewer steps.
0361             %
0362             %
0363             % PARAMETERS
0364             %   -initDeltaCost - the initial delta cost for the first
0365             %      block of optimizatoin
0366             %   -finalDeltaCost - the approximate delta cost value that you
0367             %   wish to approach slowly to avoid premature freezing
0368             %   -pDecrease - the reduction in the previous temperature to be
0369             %       applied to generate the new temperature
0370             %
0371             %
0375             validateattributes(initDeltaCost, {'numeric'}, ...
0376                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0});
0377             validateattributes(finalDeltaCost, {'numeric'}, ...
0378                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0});     
0379             validateattributes(pDecrease, {'numeric'}, ...
0380                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0, '<',1});
0382             if(finalDeltaCost >= initDeltaCost)
0383                 error('final delta cost must be < init delta cost.  Consult the manual if this is not the case for your data.');
0384             end
0388             % calibrate the expAnneal equation
0389             N = initDeltaCost*1;      %#ok<PROP>
0390             step1Cost = (1-pDecrease)*N; %#ok<PROP>
0391             lambda = -1*log((step1Cost/N))/1; %#ok<PROP>
0393             %calculate initial temperature;
0394             initTemp = N*exp(-lambda*0);   %#ok<PROP>
0396             %calculate the ifnal temperature.
0397             finalTemp = (initTemp * (finalDeltaCost/(initDeltaCost*10)))*10;
0399             %calculate the number of steps.
0400             nStep = -1*log(finalTemp/N)/lambda; %#ok<PROP>
0401             nStep = upper(nStep);
0403             msg = sprintf('\n%g steps needed to reach a temp low enough to freeze given finalDeltaCost\n', ...
0404                         nStep);
0406             verbosePrint(msg, ...
0407                         'expAnneal_numSteps_nStep');    
0409             if(nStep < 3)
0410                 verbosePrint(['Warning: pDecrease should be lowered until nStep >= 3 ',...
0411                              char(10),'         at least if exponentially decaying annealing ',...
0412                              char(10),'         is to have an appreciable effect on annealing'],...
0413                              'expAnneal_numSteps_Warn');
0414             end
0416         end
0418         %% maxpDecrease(initDeltaCost, finalDeltaCost) STATIC FUNCTION
0419         function maxpDecrease(initDeltaCost, finalDeltaCost,nStep)
0420             % calculates the maxDecrease that would be necessary to go
0421             % from initDeltaCost to finaldeltaCost using at least 3 drops
0422             % in temperature.
0423             %
0424             % The intended use of this function is to help determine the
0425             % value of pDecrease.  To do so, a couple of steps are
0426             % invovled.  First, run sos with an exponential anneal function
0427             % for expAnneal.blockSize iterations.  During this first block,
0428             % temperature is set to infinitie, so cost values are changed
0429             % randomly. Once blockSize iteractions have been completed,
0430             % run <sosObj>.deltaCostPercentiles to see the  deltaCost value
0431             % for the 97.5th - 2.5th percentile, which is the deltaCost
0432             % value used by the exponential anneal object during it's
0433             % calibration of the initial temperature value.  The next step
0434             % is determining the finalDeltaCost value.  To determine that
0435             % value, run SOS again, this time in greedy mode, and examine
0436             % the distribution of deltaCosts once the algorithm reaches a
0437             % frozen state.  For the stochastic annealing to find a better
0438             % solution than what was found by the exponential annealer, it
0439             % must approach that frozen state slowly.  For the frozen state
0440             % to have been reached, by definition no swaps occured and
0441             % therefore all delta costs should have an upper bound of zero.
0442             %  For a very slow anneal, you could try to reach the point at
0443             %  which a large number of swaps would have occured quite slowly,
0444             % which corresponds to the delta cost from a high decile like 90%).
0445             % This could take a while though. Alternatively, you could try
0446             % to reach a lower decile instead (e.g., 10%).  A good
0447             % compromise might be to aim for the 50th percentile so that
0448             % you approach that point more slowly.  So to sum up to this
0449             % point, input the initdeltaCost for the 97.5th to the 2.5th
0450             % percentile from the first block in an
0451             % exponential anneal optimization and the finalDeltaCost from
0452             % a perceintile of your choice as the from the percentiles
0453             % listed when a greedy anneal was run to a frozen state.
0454             %
0455             % From this point, the algorithm will determine what the value
0456             % of pDecrease would be if you were to have 3 steps in
0457             % temperature during the annealing.  This is probably the
0458             % minimum number that youèd wnat oth ave to be useful
0459             % (otherwise you simply go from a first step of near-random
0460             % behavior to a next step of basically stochastic behavior).
0461             % If desired, you can then experiment with how many steps you
0462             %
0463             %
0464             % PARAMETERS
0465             %   -initDeltaCost - the initial delta cost for the first
0466             %      block of optimizatoin
0467             %   -finalDeltaCost - the approximate delta cost value that you
0468             %   wish to approach slowly to avoid premature freezing
0469             %   -pDecrease - the reduction in the previous temperature to be
0470             %       applied to generate the new temperature
0471             %
0472             %
0476             validateattributes(initDeltaCost, {'numeric'}, ...
0477                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0});
0478             validateattributes(finalDeltaCost, {'numeric'}, ...
0479                 {'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0});     
0480             validateattributes(nStep, {'numeric'}, ...
0481                 {'integer', 'scalar', 'positive', '>', 0});    
0483             if(finalDeltaCost >= initDeltaCost)
0484                 error('final delta cost must be < init delta cost.  See the manual for what to do if this is the case');
0485             end
0487             if(nStep < 3)
0488                 error('nStep should be >=3 for exponentially-decaying annealing to have an appreciable effect');
0489             end
0491             % calibrate the expAnneal equation
0492             N = initDeltaCost*1;      %#ok<PROP>
0494             %calculate initial temperature;
0495             initTemp = N*exp(0);   %#ok<PROP>
0497             %calculate the ifnal temperature
0498             finalTemp = (initTemp * (finalDeltaCost/(initDeltaCost*10)))*10;
0501             lambda= -1*log(finalTemp/N)/(nStep); %#ok<PROP>
0503             step1Cost = N*exp(-lambda*1);  %#ok<PROP>
0505             pDecrease = -1*(step1Cost/N -1); %#ok<PROP>
0508             msg = sprintf('\n%f is max pDecrease to ensure %d steps during exp anneal', ...
0509                         pDecrease,nStep); %#ok<PROP>
0511             verbosePrint(msg, ...
0512                         'expAnneal_maxpDecrease_maxpDecrease');
0515         end
0518     end
0520     methods (Static, Access = private)
0522         %% parseConstructorArgs(varargin)
0523         function p = parseConstructorArgs(varargin)
0524             % parsers the constructor arguments
0525             %
0526             %PARAMETERS:
0527             %   see constructor args
0529             varargin = varargin{1};
0530             p = expAnneal.expAnnealInputParser();
0531             p.parse(varargin{:});         
0532         end       
0533     end
0534 end

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